28 August 2012

More of the 6 fundamentals of enterprise social media

                                            Part Two – 4 to 6
So to recap briefly on Part One; We have a shared understanding that our enterprise is in social media so we put in place our governance team. The first thing the governance team was articulate the endpoint and how it is measured and set out their road map. We defined what we wanted from a social media platform and procured it.

Managing expectations
While all this was going on we were managing eh expectations of the business.

This means explaining to the senior leadership team what is going to happen next, how you will report on it and what their role is in this. It's worth working with the Corporate Affairs chief on this, they have been through it all before with Execs for PR.

You explain to your own staff what you are doing and how they are involved. This means setting out a simple social media policy. A paragraph should do it. Explain why what they say and do in social media can impact the brand and them in the long run. HR and Internal Engagement should be able to help with this.

Speak to your customers about what you are doing, what you are providing and why that’s good for them.

Make sure everyone on the social media leadership team understand what role social plays and ask them to articulate to each other, their teams and their senior sponsor how social fits into their channel strategy.

In all cases, ask for feedback and act on it.

Reporting and analytics
Firstly, these are two different things. Both have a place and both need to be addressed contentiously and with stakeholder involvement.

Reporting, or MI, is regular time based activity. Weekly or monthly reports that set out volume data how many etc. But most importantly, what are the most important topics, users, channels and how are they and their sentiment changing with time?

Analytics is still evolving and you may need external help to get your head around this to start with. Don’t let that put you off, this data is dynamite.

Social media analytics will help you to become conscious of the conversations about your brand that your organisation is currently unconscious of. It will allow your business to understand real sentiment around share price. Or, imagine tracking responses and views on an above the line campaign in almost real time.

Not just counting the conversations and reporting some sentiment like in the weekly reports, but analysing unstructured data to get behind how a social media crowd is responding the proposition, not just the presentation.

Analytics is not just an essential part of social media for enterprises; its power is going to help organisations that master gain a real and tangible competitive advantage in the 21st century. Maybe not in the next 2 years, but certainly beyond that.

Scale and depth
Now your enterprise has everything in place, it needs to scale it by embedding it in every part of the business and every market. This is what we call social business.

Social businesses that use social media to learn from and engage with their members will develop more consistent financial performance.

They will overcome reputation challenges easier, build more brand equity and customer loyalty through trust, see higher productivity through internal collaboration and continue to evolve to serve the communities around their brand: Customers, staff and shareholders.

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