03 March 2012

Is your Exec becoming obsolete?

A friend of mine asked me how they should engage their senior leadership team is social networking. I said tell them that ‘if they don’t get on board they will be obsolete in 5 years.’

This is of course is as ridiculous as the claims made around the turn of the century about e-commerce. It has in fact taken 15 years for e-commerce to threaten high street spending. There is no such thing as a high street retailer or supermarket without an integrated e-commerce infrastructure.

Before e-commerce, the same was said of corporate e-mail.  IT Director’s, as they were called then, said ‘why would every member of staff in say a bank or insurance company need access to email?’

I once said the same about text messaging (SMS). ‘Why would I need a mobile phone that can send a text message when I have a perfectly good pager service?’

New communications tools come, and they go. The issue for executives that want to lead well performing organisations is not whether they should engage with new technologies, but how, and social media is no exception.

I don’t know an Exec that doesn’t use email, text messaging or e-commerce, even if it’s only to collect an e-ticket at the airport. Social media is more disruptive to organisations than any technology to date, because it is social. Social media is about people and groups of people interacting more openly than ever before, while the boundaries of the organisation blur.

So I do think that Execs that don’t get social media will become obsolete, if not in this decade, then the next one.

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