30 July 2010

iPhones aren’t the best thing since sliced bread, so why am I in love with it?

I’ve just been issued with an iPhone 4. To be honest I didn’t think it would be such a big deal, except for showing off I have an iPhone 4.

I’m not going to pour over how marvellous it is as I’m sure you don’t need another review. I'm not going to comment on the hullaballo about how to hold just now either. So I’m just going to say this, it's good. It doesn’t do things the latest BlackBerry does, but the latest BlackBerry doesn’t do things the iPhone does. It’s fast, intuitive and I have found myself explaining away the missing functionality. It is truly a digital assistant.
Over all, it’s a worthwhile piece of kit; so why a blog about the iPhone?
I have had a wakeup call in just 2 days that the true experience requires all the kit. Which is not a normal reaction for me, since I bought my first golf clubs 15 years ago. After just a few days I have decided my next laptop has to be a MacBook Pro. Why? Because now I’ve tasted the world of Apple, I want to replicate the experience across all my technology needs.

The iPhone is clearly designed for maximum revenue generation based on the best possible user experience. Now be honest with yourself. Does your organisation build whatever you produce, a phone, an audit, a pension fund, a wind turbine based on the same principal I am experiencing?

Have you ever stepped back and said let’s completely redesign what we do with the only metric for success being the user’s experience? And when we’ve done that, let’s make sure every interaction our customers have with us offers the same experience so that they want more.

Why don’t we design our user experience so well that our clients will pay for all the extra bits along the way that we currently give away for free and call ‘value ad?’ And then let’s change the rules completely by creating a market place for other organisations to make money from our platform.

I think the guys at Apple are geniuses of the highest order. I’ve got to get me some of that.

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